Integritechs and human-I-T Giving Back to the Community
Integritechs recently collaborated with human-I-T to donate computers and devices for the community. human-I-T conducts their Technology Drives to collect any tech devices that you may not use anymore and passes those devices to the well-being of the community and providing new digital learning opportunities for those in need.
Over the last few months Integritechs was able to collect machines that were outdated from our clients. We have removed their associated hard drives and kept the hardware until it was time for a mass collection for e-waste. Our very own Michele Lemus conducted an outreach program internally to try and give back to the community and what better way than to collaborate with an organization like human-I-T who donates to those who need it most.
human-I-T's program they created is called "Breaking Up with your Technology." If you have any old devices that you used to love, anything that ranges from printers and scanners to phones to desktops and laptops, it is time to say good-bye. Instead of throwing your devices away, your donated devices will be re-used or responsibly recycled! Devices that can be refurbished will have all their data wiped, get a fresh start, and be distributed to an individual in the community who would love your device once again. This is a cost-effective way to prevent continuous e-waste pollution and enhance the idea of completely re-using products.
We appreciate all that human-I-T was able to do by giving back to the Los Angeles community! If you would like to find out more information on how our collaboration went and how you can be involved, give us a call at (213) 798-4368 or email us with the subject "Tech Drive Collaboration" to info@integritechs.com.